Variable security settings make EasyGate SPT an ideal fit for 24-hour gyms

Security is high on the agenda as a growing number of gyms and fitness facilities look to offer 24-hour access to members. Controlling access throughout the whole 24-hour cycle is vital to stop revenue leakage and provide a safe environment for users.

But providing for 24-hour-access requires some thought, particularly as security and throughput rates requirements will change throughout the day. During peak morning, day and evening hours facilities are likely to be attended by staff and a lower security, more user friendly and faster throughput solution is appropriate. When the facility is unattended, a high security solution is required, and as there are often fewer users during this time, throughput rates are less of an issue.

The EasyGate SPT is an ideal solution.

“These gates are seriously stylish and they are already widely used in Europe to provide the flexible security and throughput control many fitness facilities require,” says Entrance Control General Manager Michael Bystram.

With five different security settings, the EasyGate SPT can be set to cater for a wide variety of different times of day and staffing levels.

“Gyms using this system typically have a low security setting during the day making the gate very tolerant of user behaviour and younger children using the gates,” Bystram says.

“Then once the facility is unattended by staff, the gates automatically change to a higher security setting, ensuring they are well positioned to stop unauthorised entry attempts – whether it’s for nefarious purposes or a members’ friend trying to tailgate into a facility without their own membership card.”

The EasyGate SPT comes with glass barrier that can be up to 180 cm high to deter jump over attempts, mitigating an issue that plagues some gyms that try to operate unattended or with lower barrier gates. These higher barriers on the EasyGate SPT also have the option of WingLights that light up the glass doors green as they open, then turn red when the barriers are closing. This makes the guidance lighting highly visible, making it easy for the user to respond to the instruction.

The EasyGate SPT also features an alarm output to drive CCTV and alert a monitoring station to any alarm events. What’s more, the gates are compliant with the Australian Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), so there is no need to provide alternate routes for people in wheelchairs or with mobility issues.

The narrow 180 mm wide pedestals ensure the gates take up minimal floorspace and the reliable magnetic direct drive (MDD) motor that drives the glass barriers is whisper quiet, providing industry-leading performance.

“The EasyGate SPT is an ideal fit for health centres that want a low-touch and user-friendly security solution during the day, and a much more robust solution out of hours,” Bystram says.

“In the past many 24-hour facilities needed a typical turnstile at their main entry for day-to-day operation and a separate dedicated 24-hour gym entry point for greater control during unattended periods. The EasyGate SPT merges these two requirements into one, saving the costs of building and managing two systems and reducing the number of entry points required.”